Today we said goodbye to Florence and took a train & bus to Portovenere. It’s a small coastal town known for Anchovies, Pesto and hillside houses brought to you by the good people at Crayola. 

The highlight of the day was cramming 180 people onto a bus made for 60. How do you say sarcasm in Italian? 🤢

Luckily, we were taking the bus all the way to the end of the line, otherwise I’m not sure we’d have been able to get off. When it pulled into the station that bus split open like an over-stuffed sausage with a ruptured casing, tourism the blade. Graphic? Maybe. Accurate? You betcha. 

Besides “let me off let me off let me off”, all I could think of while crammed against the front window was how great for the blog it would be if this place was instead known for sardines. #madeitworkanyway

The pictures for today need no explanation, other than to say this area seems to be a beach town without a beach. Kids and young adults were sprinkled all about on rocks and jetties, as if they were spring-breakin’ it, but sans sand. Some of those areas are pictured here, the rest are beautiful vistas intermixed with some local side-streets. 

It’s going to be a long night. There’s at least a 30% chance I actually passed out from lack of oxygen and am going to wake up back on that bus. 💤