It rained quite a bit this morning which makes the streets of Venice a very different place. Dry is better, for sure, but it was interesting to see the city under other conditions. 

Today we toured St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace. The former didn’t allow photos inside, a rule we were woefully alone in choosing to follow. Our only prize for being good, if you were wondering, is the marginally justifiable smug you’re reading now. The latter did allow phots but it was impossible to capture it in any meaningful way, mi dispiace. Both sported lofty spaces that were ornate as hell, classy.. I know, and equally mind blowing. The sheer detail and magnitude of the mosaic work alone will twist your brain into the holiest of OMGs. While I’m not a religious man, I definitely see how ancient places of worship could rope a guy into believing in an invisible man. They’ve certainly got more pull than a you’re-going-to-hell pamphlet tucked haphazardly under my windshield wiper while I buy cereal and Hot Pockets. Recruitment isn’t what it used to be 🙄

We also hit up a book store called Acqua Alta, which had a reading chair to end all reading chairs; one positioned at canal-level from within the store beside which gondolas continually cruise. Your move, rest of the book stores on earth. They also had a few old boats playing bargain bin inside the store, which were very cool but only because you see them before the reading chair. 

9+ miles today. We’ve walked so much and have burned so many calories that I’ve been perpetually hungry for two and a half days. The move seems to be always on your way to the next meal. This too I can live with.