I’m calling this trip our “Yosemite Trip” but in reality we spent most of our time in an Airbnb in North Fork, just under 2 hours from Yosemite. It was in a very rural mountain town that reminded me a lot of PA, actually. The majority of our time went to reading, cooking, and hanging with the boys. This wasn’t a trip of luxury but rather a trip to unplug.

The Dog Run

The owners of the Airbnb were VERY pup-forward. The whole house was littered with coasters sporting dog-loving phrases, they had treats and food bowls ready to go… and best of all they felt it necessary to call what was just a fenced-in backyard a “dog run”. The boys did very little running (aside from when I let them out to scare off the deer… more on that later) so it was more of a “dog creep” since they spent all their time gingerly walking around and sniffing stuff. It was a neat area though and the boys pretty quickly learned where to go when it was time to go in or out. Dogs are smart, y’all.

Wild Animals

Alright, I’m overstating it. We got a TON of deer and saw evidence that a badger tried to make off (or out) with Sarah’s car. We heard a plethora of other unnamed/unidentified animals as well as some neighboring dogs that could have made it as opera singers (based on volume, anyway). We got a family of deer in our yard just about every day and they were pretty tolerant of our presence. The best part was watching the boys watch them… for one they didn’t really know what to make of the deer but also they’re just not used to having windows at their eye level. It was adorable.

Most of the deer photos didn’t come out great… but here’s one just to prove I’m not making this up.

Deer at North Fork Stay

It’s Not a Tumor. It’s Not a Tumor… at All.

We braved the mosquitos to make use of their outdoor projection setup, complete with a fire pit and Netflix. Why we landed on this movie I’ll never know but no regrets.

The Airbnb

The place was nice, not one I’d say is a must but not one I’d recommend against either. If you find yourself in the North Fork area with a dog and a penchant for mosquito bites… I say go for it.

Home in North Fork

Oh Yeah…

And this photo of Auggie looking like a hood ornament. I wish I could say he’s well trained enough that this was staged but he was just really feeling the moment.